

Security assessments help software companies identify vulnerabilities, ensure compliance, reduce risk, protect data, improve security posture, avoid consequences of security incidents, stay ahead of evolving threats, integrate security into development, build trust, establish a security culture, and promote awareness.

Security Check

Our Security Check service provides a comprehensive assessment of your organization's security posture, including identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement. We use a variety of techniques, including vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code reviews, to ensure that your systems are secure against potential threats. With our Security Check service, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is protected from cyber threats.

Penetration Test

Tired of those old school suit and tie "security" consultants billing you 300 € per hour for an automated security scan they call a penetration test? Security doesn't need to be expensive, complicated and annoying! Penetration tests only provide value if clear remediation instructions are provided combined with a risk assessment that takes your business risks into account. Screw those 100-page-long reports with useless scanner output that your developers don't understand, make it fun again!

WordPress Security

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, powering millions of websites. However, its popularity also makes it a prime target for hackers. Our WordPress Security service helps ensure that your website is secure from potential vulnerabilities, including regular software updates, malware scanning, and hardening of the site's security.

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is an important step in ensuring that your systems are secure. By identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities early on, you can take proactive steps to mitigate these risks. Our Threat Modeling service offers a comprehensive assessment of your organization's security posture, including identifying potential threats and providing recommendations for improvement.

Cloud Security Assessment

As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, it's important to ensure that your cloud-based systems are secure. Our Cloud Security Assessment service provides a thorough evaluation of your organization's cloud security, including identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement.

Secure Development

Ensuring that security is built into the development process is essential for creating secure software. Our Secure Development service offers guidance and training for developers to create secure code from the start, helping to prevent potential security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Static Code Analysis

Static Code Analysis is a technique used to identify potential security vulnerabilities in code before it is deployed. Based on our wide experience with different vendors we can find a static code analysis tool that fits your needs. 

Dynamic Security Testing

Dynamic Security Testing is a technique used to identify potential security vulnerabilities in running software applications. 

Container Scanning

Containerization is a popular technique used to deploy software applications. However, vulnerabilities in containers can pose a security risk. Our Container Scanning service provides a thorough evaluation of your containerized environment, identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement.

Secure Code Review

Secure Code Review is an important step in ensuring that your code is secure. Our Secure Code Review service provides a comprehensive evaluation of your codebase, identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement.

Secure Architecture Review

Ensuring that your systems are designed with security in mind is an essential step in creating a secure environment. 

Secure Continuos Integration

Continuous Integration is a technique used to automate the building and testing of software applications. However, vulnerabilities in the CI/CD pipeline can pose a security risk. Our Secure Continuous Integration service provides a thorough evaluation of your CI/CD pipeline, identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement.

Web Application Firewall

A Web Application Firewall is a tool used to protect web applications from potential security threats. Our Web Application Firewall service provides a thorough evaluation of WAF solutions that best fits your needs and define the plan for a rollout with recommended configurations.


The Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) is a framework used to ensure that your application is secure. Our ASVS service provides a comprehensive evaluation of your application's security posture, including identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement.

Dependency Monitoring

Dependencies are an essential part of modern software development, but vulnerabilities in dependencies can pose a security risk. Our Dependency Monitoring service provides a thorough evaluation of your organization's dependency configuration, identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering recommendations for improvement.


Looking to secure your business? From threat modeling to penetration testing, we offer a wide range of solutions to keep your software and data safe. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of protection, ensuring that you can focus on growing your business with peace of mind. 

Vulnerability Assessment

A vulnerability assessment is a process of identifying and evaluating potential vulnerabilities in your organization's systems, applications, and infrastructure. The goal of a vulnerability assessment is to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities so that they can be addressed before they are exploited by attackers.

Bugbounty Program

A bug bounty program is a crowdsourced security initiative where organizations offer rewards to individuals who discover and report security vulnerabilities in their systems and applications. Bug bounty programs incentivize ethical hackers to identify and report vulnerabilities, allowing organizations to proactively address potential security issues.

Penetration Testing Strategy

Penetration testing is a method of testing the security of an organization's systems and applications by simulating real-world cyber attacks. A penetration testing strategy involves developing a comprehensive plan for conducting penetration tests, including defining the scope of the testing, selecting appropriate tools and techniques, and establishing objectives and timelines.

Emergency Service

Emergency services provide organizations with rapid incident response and crisis management support in the event of a security incident or data breach. These services are designed to minimize the impact of security incidents and help organizations recover as quickly as possible.

Security Controls

Security controls are measures that organizations put in place to protect their systems and data from potential security threats. Security controls can include administrative controls (policies and procedures), technical controls (firewalls, intrusion detection systems), and physical controls (access controls, video surveillance).

DDoS Protection

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are a type of cyber attack that attempt to overwhelm a system or network with traffic in order to render it unusable. DDoS protection involves implementing measures to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks, including network monitoring, traffic filtering, and load balancing.


These trainings upskill engineers and improve their software security knowledge and skills, which can ultimately improve an organization's security posture.

Dynamic Scanning Workshop

The dynamic scanning workshop using OWASP ZAP is designed to teach attendees how to identify and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities in web applications. Attendees will learn how to use the OWASP ZAP tool to perform dynamic scanning and testing, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and more.

Secure Coding Workshop

The secure coding workshop is focused on teaching attendees best practices for developing secure software. Participants will learn how to write secure code by understanding common coding vulnerabilities and how to avoid them. This training will also cover secure coding standards and practices, such as input validation, output encoding, and error handling.

Threat Model Workshop

The threat model workshop is designed to help attendees understand how to identify and prioritize potential security threats to their systems and applications. Participants will learn how to create threat models, which are used to identify and evaluate potential threats to an organization's assets. This training will cover threat modeling techniques and tools, as well as how to integrate threat modeling into the software development lifecycle.